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    Top 21 books every photographer should read
    Top 21 books every photographer should read
    Photography foundations for art by Mark Galer. The photographer's mind remastered: creative thinking for better digital photos by Michael Freeman. Dia...
    What is a viewfinder on a camera?
    What is a viewfinder on a camera?
    What is a mirrored viewfinder? What is a viewfinder on a camera if it is electronic? Get a perfect depth of field and quality of frames by the EVF...
    Best phone tripods for mobile photography
    Best phone tripods for mobile photography
    When is it better to choose a phone camera tripod. What to consider choosing a tripod for a smartphone camera. Which type of connection is better for...
    Water Photography
    Water Photography
    What equipment is required for water photography? Camera.Why is not flash on the camera or built-in flash work for such a shooting?...
    How to use vanishing points in photography?
    How to use vanishing points in photography?
    What is vanishing point? What is perspective using two vanishing points? How to get dynamism and movement using the magic of vanishing points? Wo...
    How to take sharp images?
    How to take sharp images?
    Sharpness describes the legibility of a detail image, and it can be used as an important creative tool for highlighting texture. Appropriate photography and p...
    The Best ND Filters: Buying Guide 2024
    The Best ND Filters: Buying Guide 2024
    Picture this: You're perched on a cliff, camera in hand, ready to capture the sunset of a lifetime. But the light's so intense it's washing out your shot. Enter...
    IPhone Photography Tips
    IPhone Photography Tips
    Focus and choose the angle Don't use magnification Work with exposure and HDR mode Keep in mind iPhone camera tips for an image processing Explo...
    Sunset photography
    Sunset photography
    Who doesn't like beautiful sunset photography? There is something bright and magic at this time of day that catches the attention of almost every person. But be...
    Best New Year wishes and messages
    Best New Year wishes and messages
    Festive days usually make a difference with unique emotions and magic spirits. Everybody can believe in miracles and try to be more patient and kind with others...
    What is the difference between basic and professional photo retouching
    What is the difference between basic and professional photo retouching
    The perception of photo retouching and its quality, like the photo itself, is highly subjective. It is obvious that every request is individual, but in general...
    Download RetouchMe
    Edit your photos in just a few clicks and get impressively realistic retouching!
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