Articles: Night and Low Light

A Guide to Rain Photography
Jul 26, 2024
Most photographers do not like rain photography. There are fears for the camera, and a good photograph in such conditions seems impossible: the sky is gray, wat...
Telescope for Astrophotography
Jul 25, 2024
Astrophotography is one of the most exciting and popular trends in modern amateur astronomy. And of course, this type of shooting entails a question about which...
How to Take Perfect Photos in Low Light
Jul 25, 2024
Taking pictures at night can be very frustrating. Red eye effect, washed out faces, dark background – these are a just a few of many horrors that you’ll have to...
Blue hour photography
Jul 24, 2024
The term "blue hour" means the time just before sunrise or just after sunset. Blue Hour is usually associated with romantic mood, and dramatic scenes filmed at...
Night sky photography
Jul 24, 2024
Shooting night sky is no longer fun of professional photographers. High-quality images today can also be made using more low-cost digital devices or mirrorless...
Neon photography: the ultimate guide
Jul 24, 2024
Lights of the night city always look bright and fun, like a holiday which comes after the sunset. Shop signs attract and promise pleasant shopping, the comfort...
Northern Light Photography - How to Photograph Aurora Borealis
Jul 23, 2024
Photographing Northern Lights is a dance between you with your camera and the Northern lights. It is important to be prepared both in terms of gear and theory a...
How To Photograph Smoke
Jul 22, 2024
There are many kinds of photography, most of which are well known, but there are also niche areas such as smoke art photography. Such a natural phenomenon as sm...
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Night Time Photography Tips
Jul 22, 2024
Night is an attractive and mysterious time of our lives. And getting new experience is a curious practice. Number of professionals and amateurs publish their wo...
Dark and moody photography
Jul 20, 2024
Dramatic, dark and atmospheric is the best way to describe the model of dark and ​​moody photography. The trend towards seductive photos with their deep shadows...
Urban Exploration Photography
Jul 18, 2024
Surely each of us has enjoyed the footage shot in abandoned buildings or even cities and villages at least once. A certain mystery and at the same time the myst...
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