Articles: For Beginners

Difference Between JPEG and PNG
Jul 26, 2024
Do you like Photoshop? Or, maybe you are a photographer? A designer? Even being an average computer user, you might run into a problem of how is better to sa...
Darkroom photography: the guide for beginners
Jul 26, 2024
1. Troublesome process of film printing. In the modern world, almost every family has a digital camera that can easily send photos to a computer or laptop. P...
Milk bath photography
Jul 26, 2024
Let us share an interesting experience with those who want to try a new trend in the world of experiments with milk bath photography. The shooting is so unusual...
16 Best interior photography tips
Jul 26, 2024
Real estate, architecture, interior design, restaurants, and tourism industry, hotels and theaters, exhibitions and galleries – everyone needs great indoor phot...
A Guide to Minimalist Photography
Jul 26, 2024
Today it is fashionable and popular. In art, design, and photography, this trend is becoming more common, especially in visual arts, where nowadays everything i...
Popular articles
Food Photography: Tips and Tricks
Jul 25, 2024
It is difficult for a beginner to choose a photo niche and understand which path is the right one. Weddings and festive events are always in fashion, but there...
Shutter Speed Photography
Jul 25, 2024
Many photographers, especially beginners, neglect the variety of opportunities offered by shutter speed settings. This small article will show the importance of...
How to do cosplay photography: Tips and tricks
Jul 24, 2024
Cosplay, a vibrant fusion of the words "costume" and "play," is an art form where individuals, known as cosplayers, dress up in elaborate costumes to embody the...
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Drones aerial photography
Jul 26, 2024
Practicing aerial photography using drones seems like a great and unusual idea. This can explain the growing popularity of aerial photography and videography us...
A Guide to Rain Photography
Jul 26, 2024
Most photographers do not like rain photography. There are fears for the camera, and a good photograph in such conditions seems impossible: the sky is gray, wat...
How to make DIY photo album
Jul 26, 2024
Amazing gifts are usually made with your own hands, because it is the easiest way to transmit to people we love a part of our soul. It is nice to know that ther...
How to Shoot Full Body Photography
Jul 25, 2024
It would seem that full body portrait photography is the easiest type of photo shoot, but things are completely different in this regard. But what is the big de...
Still life photography
Jul 25, 2024
Still life photography can rightfully be called one of the most difficult genres in any kind of fine art. To create a good landscape, the artist only needs to f...
Telescope for Astrophotography
Jul 25, 2024
Astrophotography is one of the most exciting and popular trends in modern amateur astronomy. And of course, this type of shooting entails a question about which...
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Blog section for Beginners

The section of RetouchMe's photography blog for beginners is where we lay the foundation for your journey into the captivating world of photography! If you're brand new to the subject and looking for guidance, our beginner-friendly articles are here to make an intro to photography.

How to Make a photo for beginners

Learn how to create compelling images with our comprehensive guides covering the basics of photography. From understanding equipment to mastering composition, we'll help you build a solid understanding of the fundamental principles that form the backbone of great photography.

Define the Photography

Explore our introductory tutorials designed to demystify the art of photography for beginners. Learn how to navigate your camera with confidence, from selecting the right mode to adjusting exposure settings and choosing venues for your session, as we provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to capture stunning images.

Advance your skills with RetouchMe

Discover the world of digital photography for beginners as we delve into the essential techniques and practices that will set you on the path to success allowing you to grow into a professional. From photographing to post-processing, our articles offer practical advice to help you harness the full potential of photo art. Our professional editors are also here to help you with editing in the same way as this blog guides you into the world of photography!