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    What is Candid Photography Definition: Tips to use
    What is Candid Photography Definition: Tips to use
    Sometimes it seems that there is nothing so important as careful preparation of the model to be captured. Specific poses and facial expressions play an importan...
    How to take panorama on iPhone
    How to take panorama on iPhone
    Modern world of technology permits us to travel and memorize every step we do without heavy gadgets and professional equipment. And when common pictures seem to...
    The Ultimate Guide to Editing Text in Pictures: Tips, Tools, and Techniques
    The Ultimate Guide to Editing Text in Pictures: Tips, Tools, and Techniques
    In today's visually-driven digital world, the ability to add text to images and edit text in a photo has become an essential skill for many. Whether you're a...
    What is f-stop in photography?
    What is f-stop in photography?
    What is f-stop in photography? Open the simplicity of an F-stop photography definition. What are f-stop and double effect? What is f-stop on camera...
    Autofocus modes - Guide for Beginners
    Autofocus modes - Guide for Beginners
    Nowadays everything can be captured and filmed automatically. The selection of high-quality shooting equipment is impressive. Each manufacturer does it best to...
    Abandoned photography
    Abandoned photography
    The world around us is full of stories that you can use for your photo experiments, you just need to look around correctly. Someone will turn eyes to garden flo...
    Pet Photography
    Pet Photography
    What is pet photographyYou probably already know that all animals are not al all similar to people and models which can be measured 90-60-90. They are not so ea...
    How to capture motion blur in photography
    How to capture motion blur in photography
    Some people consider the best image to be absolutely free of any movement. But if you are not one of those, then you know that one of the main tasks is to captu...
    Travel Photography Gear: Equipment List
    Travel Photography Gear: Equipment List
    If you are a full-time photographer, whether it is a professional approach or just a hobby, you have probably wondered, "How to travel with all this stuff?"...
    Northern Light Photography - How to Photograph Aurora Borealis
    Northern Light Photography - How to Photograph Aurora Borealis
    Photographing Northern Lights is a dance between you with your camera and the Northern lights. It is important to be prepared both in terms of gear and theory a...
    How to 360 Photography
    How to 360 Photography
    Shooting panoramas is one of the most commonly used techniques in landscape photography. If you do not limit yourself to the academic definition, then we ca...
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