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    Architecture Photography
    Architecture Photography
    Architecture is one of the most technically complex genres of photography. Architecture photography allows you to travel back in time and follow the development...
    Guide to Smartphone Photography
    Guide to Smartphone Photography
    They say that the best camera is the one that we always have at hand. Today, this role is played by the smartphone. It will not replace DSLRs, but it is always...
    What is portrait mode on iPhone and how to use it?
    What is portrait mode on iPhone and how to use it?
    For those who don't know what portrait mode is, it is a camera function that keeps the subject in focus and slightly blurs the background, in photographic ter...
    What is infrared photography: definition, techniques, tips
    What is infrared photography: definition, techniques, tips
    How to shoot infrared photography? Modify your cam following the infrared photography tutorial Use a low ISO trying infrared photography techniques...
    What is moire in photography?
    What is moire in photography?
    What is moire in photography? Decrease the lens aperture values to avoid distortion. Change the focal length with a different lens. Play with a fo...
    What is composition in photography?
    What is composition in photography?
    Taking a picture is not enough to create a photograph. It is necessary to harmoniously place objects in the picture, filling it with meaning. There are differ...
    DIY Photography Props Ideas
    DIY Photography Props Ideas
    Oh what a wonderful time for us, during a photo service with so much laughing and fun. Gathering with friends, colleagues or parents for such an occasion is mor...
    Beautiful Bokeh Photography - Step by Step Guide
    Beautiful Bokeh Photography - Step by Step Guide
    In the last couple of years, the world of photography was full of new words and meanings. So such term as “bokeh” has become so popular that even smartphones ha...
    What Is Contrast in Photography and How to Use It
    What Is Contrast in Photography and How to Use It
    What is contrast in photographyEvery art requires deep, almost scientific examination of each detail. In order to understand what is contrast in photography, th...
    What is Candid Photography Definition: Tips to use
    What is Candid Photography Definition: Tips to use
    Sometimes it seems that there is nothing so important as careful preparation of the model to be captured. Specific poses and facial expressions play an importan...
    How to take panorama on iPhone
    How to take panorama on iPhone
    Modern world of technology permits us to travel and memorize every step we do without heavy gadgets and professional equipment. And when common pictures seem to...
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