DIY Photography Props Ideas

- DIY Baby Photography Props
- 1. Baby "nest"
- 2. Find a balloon for newborn family party
- 3. Get your multi colored chalks
- DIY Wedding Props
- 1. Chalkboards
- 2. Photo Frames
- 3. Large letters
- DIY Birthday Party Photo Props
- 1. Photo Booth for adults and kids
- 2. Party Cone Hat
- 3. Cute Flags
- DIY Food Photography Props
- 1. Picture background
- 2. Marble board
- 3. Wooden tray
- DIY Props for outdoor photography
- 1. Picnic set
- 2. Clouds
- 3. Giant paper flowers
- 4. A wreath of flowers
- 5. Colored furniture
Oh what a wonderful time for us, during a photo service with so much laughing and fun. Gathering with friends, colleagues or parents for such an occasion is more than just cool, it is super cool. That is why it is always better to think about advice about the topic of your picture album. We are all beautiful and unique, but some accessories and backdrops will definitely improve the result, providing more options to print out. Dressing up, posing and then reviewing the photographs many times is one of the most interesting model activities of various ages and cultures. A secret of successful pictures is not only a great frame, but also the right light, perspective, and props. Without vintage armchairs, cute balls, wreaths, original and beautiful things, photos would be unfinished.
Props allow you to convey a special atmosphere in the photograph and make the composition complete. Each type of photo service has its own details: blankets and nests for shooting newborns, flower decorations and balloons for wedding images, and even blackboards and cups for culinary photographs.
If in the near future you are planning to shoot and create your own photography props for inspiration and mood, then we have collected all these tips in this article. You will find that creating interesting homemade items with your own hands is easy and fun. This will allow you to show your creative potential, keep you out from unnecessary purchases in a shop of decor and allow you to have fun producing something new and unique.
DIY Baby Photography Props
1. Baby "nest"
The most touching portraits of newborns are obtained with this accessory. To create a nest, we need one or more wreaths of grapevine, a blanket or towel, and a hat with a bird. Put together wreaths, tie them with a thread from natural materials, lay a blanket in the resulting nest and can take pictures of your baby.
2. Find a balloon for newborn family party
An excellent choice for photoshoots in a studio or outdoors. This unusual thing is pretty easy to do with your own hands. You need a large helium balloon, organza to decorate the ball, string for lines and four small sandbags for each corner of the basket. Optionally, you can decorate the basketball with a garland of flags and put a blanket inside for the convenience of a baby. The ball is ready for its first takeoff.
3. Get your multi colored chalks
With such a simple thing, we can get absolutely all types of backgrounds for photos devoted to any occasion. This is the easiest and most ingenious advice of all: buy chalk and draw any decorations. You can draw a picture on the asphalt, on the wall of a house, you can add other elements. It all depends on your imagination. If you photograph a child in the background of a picture on the asphalt, do not forget to take the ladder. Consider in advance every plot to prepare the necessary equipment.
DIY Wedding Props
1. Chalkboards
The absolutely universal thing that is suitable not only for wedding but birthday, prom, Christmas, baby shower, etc.
You can buy a chalkboard in a store, or you do it yourself using almost any piece of wood, cardboard, and paint. It can be of any shape and size. Such a board is always used to write the wedding date, names of newlyweds, and wishes. For a large size board, a stand may be needed, and small newlyweds can be put into their hands. Prepare some templates and take them with you. You will never know which crazy idea will come up.
2. Photo Frames
Great wedding prop ideas have been in fashion for years. To make a picture frame, you will need some boxes to practice or piece of cardboard, scissors or a stationery knife and paint. You can make a minimalistic frame using a regular box which should have a hole, cut with scissors. If you need an elegant or vintage template, they can be made of simple cardboard. Draw beautiful patterns with a pencil and cut along the contour with a stationery knife or scissors. Paint the finished frame in a desired color and your accessory is ready!
3. Large letters
These can be the names of a bride and a groom, their new common surname or just the word LOVE.
First of all, determine the style: just letters, decorated with flowers or other decor. As usual, it all depends on your imagination. Letters can be bought at a scrapbooking store or cut out of cardboard and painted in desired color. If you really want to have fun, decorate it with artificial flowers. White letters are perfect for a wedding, but if you make them in color, this can be a bright accent in the frame, which provides great effect.
DIY Birthday Party Photo Props
1. Photo Booth for adults and kids
This is the funniest attribute. Suitable for both cute children parties, and for fun for teenagers and adults. To make such an accessory by yourself, you will need a template, thick paper, glue, and wooden sticks. There is a huge number of photo booth tutorials online for different tastes: mustache, glasses, monocles, hats, cake pies, sponges, crowns, etc. To get started, you just need to select the template you like and print it on thick paper. After that, cut and glue to wooden sticks. Some fragments can be decorated with glitter. And that is all because the best and simplest backdrop is ready!
2. Party Cone Hat
It can be a crown for a birthday boy or conical hats for guests, but there is no party which can be organized without these cute hats, especially for children. You will need colored paper, elastic gum, glue, stapler, and decor of your choice to decorate caps. Cut out a cone form from paper (measure 10 cm from a sheet of paper and join with an arc) and glue the cone with glue or a stapler, decorate it with a choice of colored tape, glitter, flowers and attach a rubber band to hold the cap. If you make a crown, then on a shiny paper, draw the shape of the top of the crown, cut and glue it together. You can also decorate it with glitter and artificial stones or beads.
3. Cute Flags
Elegant and colorful flags will help to quickly and elegantly decorate any room, house or even clothes. It is very simple and quick to make such an item: you need to take multicolored paper, stapler, scissors, and tape. Using a ruler divide the sheet of paper into 4 triangles, cut out and fasten to the tape with a stapler. Use multicolored paper or paper with color drawings. This trick will make your flags more colorful and original. You can decorate them with sparkles or write a birthday name or congratulations with a marker.
DIY Food Photography Props
1. Picture background
The most important thing in shooting food is the food itself, so all details should accurately decorate a prepared dish, and not distract attention from it.The two main requirements for a professional food photo are as follows: it must be matte and textured. You will need a piece of table clothing at least 70 * 70 cm, preferably flax white or light gray or light beige. Such colors will add home comfort and relax.
2. Marble board
A great option for stylish pics. When you decide to capture food on the background of a marble board you do not need a large piece of marble, you will need a piece of cardboard, a self-adhesive paper with a marble pattern, a knife and a piece of cloth. Glue self-adhesive paper cut to the size of the cardboard onto the piece of cardboard of a desired size, smooth the surface with a piece of clean cloth to prevent the formation of air bubbles. Your new marble board is ready for shooting!
3. Wooden tray
A beautiful tray will be a favorite attribute for images of your breakfasts to publish in social networks.In order to make this beautiful item, you will have to shop at a hardware store. You will need to buy: 3 planks 35 cm long, 2 pieces of 35 cm and 2 pieces of 24.5 cm, sandpaper, paint brush, stain, nails or screws. Sand all wooden parts with sandpaper, especially take care of sharp corners, then several times cover all planks with stain and leave to dry. Connect all the parts together with nails or screws, if necessary, cover the finished product with a clear varnish, let the varnish dry. Your tray is ready!
DIY Props for outdoor photography
1. Picnic set
One of the best options for decorating photos outdoors. Depending on the theme, a composition of a picnic set will vary. In baby pictures, it can be a big old suitcase, a beautiful tea set, and a few plush toys. In wedding photography, you can use flowers, champagne, baskets, and garlands. If you have a family photo service, then take a basket with baguettes and cheeses, fruit and books. Be sure to take care of a beautiful checkered rug and flashlights.
2. Clouds
Floating clouds will create a light dreamy composition in a frame and are perfect for romantic and wedding pictures.Despite the originality of this idea, a floating cloud is easy to make yourself. You need polyester packing, fishing line, hot glue gun and paper lanterns of various sizes or balloons. We fasten paper lanterns or inflated balloons together and glue them with small pieces of cotton wool with a gun and glue (the smaller the pieces you use, the more you will get air clouds). Place a LED lamp inside and enjoy the beautiful creation of your hands.
3. Giant paper flowers
These backdrops will become a great addition or even background for your filming. Paper flowers do not wilt, do not cause allergies and are an excellent background for filming. Starting the creation process you need only colored paper, scissors and hot glue. Cut petals out of paper and put them together in a flower with glue. If you take crepe paper, then it will be even easier to make such a flower: just collect the paper and secure it with a strong knot, decorate the bottom of a flower with green leaves and here you go with your new accessory!
4. A wreath of flowers
Delicate decoration comes from childhood and works better than jewelry or fashion dresses. Almost all girls can make wreaths of flowers. Such a wreath can be made simply from wild flowers with long stems, or you can weave it from different colors and decorate it with ribbons, holding the composition together with wire to make it seem natural. Such a beautiful detail will decorate any photo, whether it is a wedding, romantic love story or a photo shooting for a newborn.
5. Colored furniture
An old chair or a bench that was used only for dust in the garage, postponing your new hobby, can become an excellent accessory for images if you do some homework.
If you have old unnecessary furniture, do not hurry up to throw it away. You can make stunning decor. To do this you need only furniture, paint, and your unlimited imagination. You can paint such items in bright colors, or vice versa, in noble pastel colors. In any case, you will get beautifully updated elements which can be also used to display for other occasions. You feel as private manufacturers of not only furniture but also old frames, birdcages and non-working musical instruments.
Thus, you create any details for your pics with your own hands, using available tools, your imagination and a little inspiration from our article. You will see how they complement your composition and decorate your shots. Do not wait long to start trying photography prop ideas to improve every selfie without post-processing software.
He started his career as a professional photo designer and retoucher. Professional commercial photographer with 20 years of experience. He is a leading advertising photographer and has worked as a food photographer with Michelin-starred chefs. His work with models can be seen on the calendars of many leading companies in Ukraine. He was the owner of the photo studio and photo school "Happy Duck".

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