Male Boudoir Photos Ideas

- 1. Make a quick overview-assignment before filming
- 2. Concentrate on a certain plot
- 3. Determine what clothes the model will wear
- 4. Make it easy to shoot
- 5. Avoid difficulties with models
- 6. Experiment with light
- 7. Inspire your model with posing tips
- 8. Use a minimum of props
- 9. Should the model be dressed or undressed?
- 10. Shoot silhouettes for a dramatic impact
- 11. Get relaxed with an easy image
- 12. Give more character and inspiration
- 13. Attract partners to the shooting
- 14. Tell a story with a male boudoir
- 15. What does flawless physical shape mean for mens boudoir photography?
- 16. Use final shots in your life
Masculinity photography is a popular niche in a photoshoot. For a long time and from the very beginning it has been focused on the female body. But there is also a male version of a boudoir session. The term "dudeoir photography" is sometimes used, which comes from two words: "dude" and "boudoir". More often this name is used for playful pictures of man pose which is far from gods of beauty, but look absolutely charming.
The glorification of the beauty of a male body has always been of great importance in the history of classical art, for example, the famous statue of David by Michelangelo. In modern photography, this topic is growing and developing rather quickly, attracting many experts to highlight natural silhouettes.
Dudeoir photo shoot is performed in a certain personal space of the model, for example, in the bedroom, and has a tinge of intimacy and accentuated idea of masculinity.
Here are some tips for preparing and shooting men's boudoir, where the client is the man himself.
1. Make a quick overview-assignment before filming
Talk to your male model prior to the shooting. Determine the concept and purpose of the image. Does he want to improve his body image or should it be pics with humor? What style will you need to adhere to? What emotions do you need to express with these shots?
Often men want to have a dudeoir photoshoot after they have managed to achieve a certain physical shape of their body, pump up and dry their muscles, and acquire a beautiful tan. In this case, try to compliment every muscle and skin tone flattering him.
2. Concentrate on a certain plot
When a photographer shoots his idea and does everything the way he wants, that's great. First of all, for the state of mind. When working with a customer, and especially with a team, you have to put up with other opinions and look for a compromise. But often such a choice does not have to be made, since either they work for the soul (although this option should rather relate to a hobby, not work) and for free, or they work with a clearly defined format and get paid for it.
3. Determine what clothes the model will wear
Men are often at a loss when choosing a wardrobe for a picture. Help your model find out what kind of clothes make a man feel comfortable.
The obvious choice is a minimum of clothing or nudity. Think, for example, of a typical Calvin Klein lingerie ad. However, these are not the only options. Your model can wear an open shirt or a T-shirt with jeans. You can also get creative with the guy's outfit, such as wrapping yourself in a towel, sheets, or putting on a kitchen apron.
By the way, don't forget about the outfits that you often see in men's calendars! If the model changes into a firefighter or policeman, it can be a very masculine and sexy idea. Discuss what makes your client feel confident and relaxed, and choose clothes accordingly.
4. Make it easy to shoot
It is absolutely essential to know how to make people feel comfortable in front of the camera. Of course, we know what to do if a woman is unhappy with her body shape. But if a male model feels this way, the photographer often doesn't know how to deal with it.
Men need compliments too to feel confident while posing. And your task is to find suitable ways to make your models feel comfortable.
Be sure to tell your guy something positive, but not just about his body or muscles. Compliment his smile, his eyes, or the particular pose he takes, his masculinity.
Play background music, chat and tell jokes to improve mood and relax nervous tension if the man has it.
5. Avoid difficulties with models
With a private commercial order, it is generally not worth the choice and the ability to make demands. A commercial photographer works with an ordinary person who may be in front of the lens for the first time in a studio. And the task of a real photographer is to help the "amateur" to relax and find good angles and poses. If there is an idea for a specific shooting, then, of course, you need to try to find a model of a specific type. It happens that the idea of shooting is matched to the model if the photographer or the customer really liked it for the future idea.
6. Experiment with light
A beautiful human body looks great in a variety of lighting conditions. During a male boudoir photoshoot, you will most likely want to highlight the muscles and shape of the male body with light and shadows.
Whenever possible, use natural light as your main light source as it is most beneficial for this genre of photo.
7. Inspire your model with posing tips
Posing is critical in all types of shooting experience. Your subject may have never posed for the camera and is nervous. You can help the guy relax by asking him to do some silly and funny poses in between more serious ones.
To emphasize the beauty of the male body, you need to pay attention to the posture of the model. Many positions that work for women are not for men. Remember that your goal is to emphasize masculinity, so focus not on the curves, but on the corners to emphasize the strength and masculinity of the body. And also show the more intimate side of the male model.
8. Use a minimum of props
You don't need a lot of props and accessories for this type of photo. In fact, the fewer objects in the frame, the better the result will be. If you have too many items, the viewer's attention will drift away from the subject.
Just get a few simple things to enhance the image. Consider how you can use sheets, towels, or curtains. The most common items, such as cups, glasses, or books, will do as well. Try to choose props that match the character of your model and complement his body.
9. Should the model be dressed or undressed?
The photographer decides, There is no unambiguous advice on this issue, as it depends on many factors. It is important to understand the purpose of the photo shooting. Dealing with commercial photography, it is only client to decide if the picture should contain or exclude certain content. In case of absence of any restrictions, the photographer gets his full freedom. It also depends on the strengths and weaknesses of a particular model. If a guy is in impeccable physical shape, you can leave a minimum of clothes on. If there is nothing special to demonstrate, then it is better to concentrate on the eyes. They are beautiful for each person in their own way.
10. Shoot silhouettes for a dramatic impact
As with women’s, silhouettes of a man’s figure can give shots a mysterious and even more sensual effect. Place the light source behind the model to highlight the beautiful outline of his body. If you're working with natural light, place your model in front of a window.
This shooting mode will be a good solution if the model is shy or doesn't know which facial expression is better. Knowing that only the silhouette will be visible in the photo, the man will be able to relax and tune in.
11. Get relaxed with an easy image
Boudoir image provides nudity of models, so the question often arises whether the element of undressing, or rather nudity, is an obligatory element. Experts answer this question: “No, you can just ask what exactly a model or an ordinary man wants in this creative process, but it does not imply obligatory nudity if a person feels discomfort in this regard.
Some men take these photos for themselves, and some give them to their life partners. The ethics of companies working with such photographs is based solely on confidentiality and self-confidence. Not all men are confident and trustworthy. But such an experience of participation in a photo session gives freedom, the opportunity to have fun, and in general it is one of the best events in their lives.
Another father of the family, said that he decided to do it because one of his friends recently did it and boasted that it was incredibly interesting. The client said that such photos show him in real life, he gave the photos to his wife.
12. Give more character and inspiration
There are male stereotypes that you can rely on when shooting. But your job as a professional photographer is to highlight the personality of the model.
Maybe the person you are picturing is a sweet and innocent guy, so he will look unnatural in macho poses. Try to understand the nature of your subject and let it show up in your pics.
13. Attract partners to the shooting
Many people feel more comfortable with their loved one or partner nearby. Transform the process into a couple's shooting.
A friend or girlfriend during the filming can be on the sidelines and help with compliments or jokes, if, of course, the model likes it. And in general, if there is someone to pose for, it is easier for people to behave naturally and open up from their more intimate side.
14. Tell a story with a male boudoir
Suck photo style can look staged and unnatural if you work only using common techniques. Talk to your model. Maybe you could use ideas to capture his daily routine at home. And in the context of such a story, you can build an entire series of shots.
15. What does flawless physical shape mean for mens boudoir photography?
Should a guy without pronounced muscles only count on a portrait? Usually, it makes no sense for a man without pronounced muscles to pose nude, if the idea of the project does not require it. It runs the risk of sounding ridiculous rather than beautiful. You need to adequately assess the body and look for the most reasonable solution. It also happens that you need to show youth, then models are chosen without formed muscles, but always well-groomed and fit.
16. Use final shots in your life
Pictures can be posted on dating sites, or sent as gifts to friends and family. And we are talking specifically about the professional work of a photographer. Typically, these photo sessions include the services of a makeup artist and three wardrobe changes, as well as printing photos. More and more men who have nothing to do with the modeling business are trying the chance to earn money for professional photo shoots in which they pose without outerwear. This is one of the most unusual trends of recent times. Such a male picture is a cross between a male portrait and a male nude. This is a very modern male portrait that can embody a wide range of different styles. And, what can definitely be said that this style is not devoid of taste, there is no dirt and no hint of rudeness in it.
Professional photo shoots of topless men are gaining popularity in the USA and Great Britain. Guys are increasingly throwing off their clothes for "hot" shots. And although these photos are often sent to modeling agencies by those who dream of trying themselves in the fashion industry, often topless photo shoots are not good for casting at all. Male boudoir poses are becoming more and more popular. This type of shooting is similar to women's but with some differences. Use the above mentioned tips to get into a new topic easier for you and get more rewarding experiences and good shots. Follow the fashion trend trying all male boudoir photo ideas!
Co-founder of RetouchMe. In addition to business, he is passionate about travel photography and videography. His photos can be viewed on Instagram (over 1 million followers), and his films can be found on his YouTube channel.
Moreover, his profile is featured on the most popular and authoritative resource in the film industry — IMDb. He has received 51 international awards and 18 nominations at film festivals worldwide.

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