14 Best Friend Photo Ideas

- 1.Retro style
- 2. Bubbling bubbles
- 3. Amazing background
- 4. Be natural
- 5. Pillow fight
- 6. Selfie-bomb
- 7. Vacation pictures
- 8. Do not be afraid to demonstrate passion for food
- 9. Ridiculous faces
- 10. Spontaneous picture
- 11. As a model
- 12. The game of contrasts
- 13. Refresh old times
- 14. Filters and effects
Photoshooting is the moment to have fun, that is why pictures in motion will look natural and entertaining. So many other best friend photo ideas will be described in this article. The most important tip is – all photos are good, if the frame is emotion, laughter, right clothes.
1.Retro style
Get new image with vintage look
Pick up clothes in the style of the 60's (underwear, corsets), choose red makeup for lips, make a classic hairstyle and put on high-heeled shoes. If you miss some interesting accessory there is always a chance to find it in online shops like amazon. It is appropriate to supplement such an image with "cat's eye" glasses. In retro shooting, playful poses are allowed and more than welcome. Retro ideas for two friends are really relevant nowadays and it is possible to use both indoor and outdoor locations.
2. Bubbling bubbles
Enjoy to be entertaining and sweet little girl
Soap bubbles scene is usually the common choice for all types of pictures. This image can take back to childhood and make every person remember those sweet days of the first meeting. You can choose any kind of clothes and shoes, because everything will be decorated with great and amusing bubbles. Being home or in a studio there will be better to add some soft colorful toys and flowers.
3. Amazing background
Find best location and make as much pictures as possible to choose the one to love more
Even in small towns there are beautiful landscapes for a group selfie: interesting buildings and local sights, parks etc. Pay attention to the world around, practice creativity that will allow you to choose the right place for a memorable picture. Sometimes real diamonds can be found in the most unexpected places.
4. Be natural
Do not follow the crowd overdoing eyes and lips, make it simple and nice
This trend is getting more and more popular all over the world. Publishing images without make-up, photoshop or other retouching can become a great fun. Check modern trends to make original photo albums. Moreover, break strict rules, forget about filters and traditional poses, take a crazy snapshot and look natural.
5. Pillow fight
Have fun wherever you are and whatever you do
Sometimes the most weird idea can bring to the right solution. It is impossible to imagine a friend who has never participated in a typical pillow fight. So just enjoy it and cover each other with feather and laughter.
6. Selfie-bomb
Create surprising background and launch new style
Initially, photobombers were pets, children, strangers who accidentally or deliberately managed to spoil the selfie of someone else. Practice your own selfie-bombs, which are full of amusement and easy to create together. This is the best way to show how original the process can be. Try to make something funny in the background, that can really surprise subscribers and viewers.
7. Vacation pictures
Go for it and face new adventures and trips together
Dreaming of snowboarding, planning to jump with a parachute or going on a picnic? Be sure to make some snapshots in an unusual perspective. Such activity will add an interesting story to be included into the best friend photo album ideas.
8. Do not be afraid to demonstrate passion for food
Eating is always more fun than diet
It is going to look absolutely great, eating together with a soulmate favorite burger or sushi. It is not just full of laughter and happiness, but also the reason why this person has become a lifetime partner. The food choice can be the first reason to become so close to each other. Share it and get the most satisfying result.
9. Ridiculous faces
Discover new possibilities of facial muscles together
It is always in fashion to have a good time and enjoy parties and adventures. So why should we be that serious or wear a classic wide smile, when there are so many funny options. Try several facial expressions and download it in a collage creator application to obtain an awesome poster image to print out and put in a frame.
10. Spontaneous picture
Surprise everyone and avoid long preparation for every picture
Do random, unexpected shots. The result will exceed expectations, because surprised faces are more interesting than personalised poses. Caption of the right moment is one of the most difficult challenges, so none can ever predict when it should occur. Being a paparazzi will make us feel fully involved in a process.
11. As a model
Trying new profession is a traditional way to get amused and laugh
Let us admit that we all are really tired of boring birthday evenings, even being together with soulmates. That is why this is the right moment to try something new. Get a demonstration of clothes, makeup, shoes or gifts to feel great. Show off new trends in an imaginary world of fashion. Try new styles and modes to dress, and even pose in front of a camera.
12. The game of contrasts
Be emotional and get stunning snapshots
Ask mates to depict their own opposed emotions: joy and sadness, anger and calmness, fatigue and energy. Perhaps it will not be that easy to capture the perfect moment, but be sure that such a process will accurately enrich this day with new emotions.
13. Refresh old times
Remember when we were kids
A soulmate may be the one, which was found, being 2 years old, playing in the children’s playground with some primitive toys. So why not to go back in that time and live that amazing moment playing there now, being adults. It will look nice and adorable, so everyone will surely get the great snapshot.
14. Filters and effects
Look through new programs and find out interesting ways to add charm and personality to the album
Install some photo processing editors and get pictures processed by professionals. Such applications can significantly change the mood of celebration and make it feel like a new adventure. Getting pictures is a happy time with positive emotions. Our fresh best friend photo ideas will make this time unforgettable.
Co-founder of RetouchMe. In addition to business, he is passionate about travel photography and videography. His photos can be viewed on Instagram (over 1 million followers), and his films can be found on his YouTube channel.
Moreover, his profile is featured on the most popular and authoritative resource in the film industry — IMDb. He has received 51 international awards and 18 nominations at film festivals worldwide.

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