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  • 10 DIY Photo Gift Ideas

    10 DIY Photo Gift Ideas
    Craft the Perfect Portrait
    with RetouchMe
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    Updated: Aug 20, 2024
    Created: Oct 26, 2018
    Time to read: 7 min

    Family gatherings usually are accompanied by joint viewing of picture albums. And if there is an upcoming holiday, and you have not yet decided on a present to choose, there is a perfect option. An excellent choice is always the most easy and simple, because it is handmade and cute, using some funny and lovely images.

    Here are 10 creative and original DIY photo gift ideas to refresh pleasant memories.

    1.Handmade photo gifts

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    Start a new gifting mode

    The main advantage is that all components can be easily found at home! Creation of such an unusual object does not require any special skills and tools. It is easy to make by yourself from the most ordinary materials.

    The main thing you need is a little imagination and a collection of photos. Searching for those, it is better to check not only a family album, but also an archive of social networks will come to rescue homemade photo gift ideas.

    Options are not limited by time and talent. Your imagination is free to construct the most unbelievable items. The list of possible products can be continued for a long time. When choosing one of many options, you need to consider the person, which is going to become a new owner.

    Definitely various occasions need a special approach, because each celebration is personalized and unique. And based on this, it is good to select suitable materials for gifts with pictures.


     — Photo №2

    Write the book you want to read again and again

    The meaning of scrapbook was created to give a common and ordinary photo album an original funny design. The theme can be dedicated to a certain life event or passion. Every detail is important!

    A bright mix of pictures, memorabilia, good inscriptions and wishes will make you smile and enrich all memories, even during the most boring days. If the album will be a collection for the newborn, decorate it with the images of a baby, miniature booties, tags from maternity hospital, etc.

    Those who cannot imagine their holidays without a trip to the seaside will surely remember the album, decorated with shells, waves, seagulls, a motor ship, notes of guidebooks and travel moments.

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    Choose right captured events and emotions

    Still there is a general path, thinking about cool things to do with pictures for gifts. Start with general background, title, description of what is happening, background for each picture, and decorative elements. The overall background should be in harmony. Small details of the decor emphasize the emotional mood of the page.

    To make composition solid and complete, first try to imagine how it is going to look like, write it down, pick up details and make sketches. After that, you can proceed to its construction. The basis can be glued at home or it is possible to purchase a ready-made option.

    3. Photo Cube

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    Cubes are trendy and appropriate for every interior

    An image cube is a great alternative to the usual frame. Making such a souvenir is not difficult at all. You will need a cardboard, ruler, pencil, scissors, glue and great polaroid pictures.

    Draw a cube pattern on a cardboard, taking into account some space for glue. Stick photographs onto each cube side. After that, use a ruler to bend the workpiece along the edges. Glue the cube all together.

    And here you go, one of the cheapest among all unique photo gifts ideas is ready to be presented to friends, grandparents or colleagues.

    Such items will look great on the bookshelf, desk or window together with other options of various sizes and colors.

    4. Christmas postcard for mom

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    Bring joy and smiles to faces of your relatives

    Here are two different ways to create such a surprise.

    The first is absolutely simple, so even kids can realize it. An amazing character of this card is its internal content.

    Starting from the basics, prepare a piece of cardboard. The width and height can be different, but the fold line should not be less than 2 cm. Such a gap is needed in order to glue small pockets inside of it, to insert surprises.

    It can be a chocolate bar, a bag of coffee and sugar, so that in the morning you can be in a cheerful mood, and other similar sweet small things, which speak better than any words about your love and care. Pockets can be decorated by thematic images and corresponding inscriptions. This option is spectacular and easy to make every day!

     — Photo №6

    Get inspired with true emotions

    The second card option in our list of personal picture gifts is a bit more complicated. The box should be constructed in a way that, when opened, its card opens itself.

    The side walls of the box are decorated with photos and various decorative items, and inside you can put any tiny object like jewelry, money, sweets or something else. A surprise box is perfect for a wedding, birthday, baby showers or New Year.

    Learn how to make it in a most appropriate mode, and you will get a universal and memorable idea for any holiday!

    5. Photomosaic

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    Best photo gift ideas appear in creative minds

    This is another unexpected and sophisticated present to give to your boyfriend or friend.

    For creation of a mosaic you will need some creativity, own hands, printed pics of at least A4 size. On the reverse side it should be lined into equal squares with individual numbers. Cut the photograph along the lines and stick it on a rigid base with narrow gaps between squares.

    This nice look will add an interesting personalized touch to every apartment. It is so nice to feel yourself capable of gifting items, made with sincere wish to share happiness and joy. Still, such a present is at the top of our cool photo gifts solutions.

    6. Memory puzzle

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    Do it more complicated, and more fascinating to complete

    This item is a bit more complicated but this makes it more desirable and stunning.

    It is necessary not only to lay out pictures over flat squares, but also to draw out convex and concave elements of each fragment, to cut out later.

    Such a complex and accurate work will give you many happy moments, watching the amazed reaction of your beloved ones.

    7. Photo Collage

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    Common and always a win-win option for everyone and everywhere

    This souvenir is good for a romantic anniversary or 14th of February, as well as decoration for the wedding party.

    Create a heart for your beloved one from pictures of both of you together. The number of images is not limited and the size can vary according to your tastes.

    Nowadays such picture walls are very common in decoration of offices and modern houses, because these are one of the most widely used photo gift ideas all over the world.

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    Memories are to be captured in all possible ways

    An unusual volumetric collage can be made in the form of a large number. Such an option will surely highlight every birthday and become an essential decorative element for a festive photoshoot with guests.

    A huge number of pictures can tell an interesting story dedicated to a particular date: birthday, wedding anniversary, etc. Try to find a good selection of happy moments, for example, silly smiles of friends and loved ones. The figure can be created by pasting pictures over the cardboard.

    8. Photo Magnets

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    Try small but significant items to get big results

    This idea will definitely appeal to Polaroid fans. Because you get such small magnets with square images inside.

    Create some "polaroid" pictures in Photoshop, so after printing they will turn out to be real, using a special frame. Any size is appropriate, for example, 2 cm * 2 cm. Print the resulting image. Cut out pictures and paste on a layer of cardboard to strengthen, and then on a magnet.

    Such inexpensive funny photo gifts can be given for any occasion and to everyone you choose. These can be memories from visiting some marvelous sites or simple evening crazy parties.

    9. Photo Bookmarking

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    Read and enjoy, use favorite images and colors

    Going through interesting handmade items, it is impossible not to mention big book readers. Nowadays there is a common practice to download ebooks, but there are true lovers of paper issues, which definitely use bookmarks.

    Such a simple nice item can be created with just one piece of cardboard and a funny picture, using some colorful stripes.

    In this way you will surely become a fan of photo gift ideas DIY. The value of this present can not be estimated, it is absolutely priceless.

    10. Coloring

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    Guaranteed participation of all family members in a funny process

    If you are looking for a secure way of involving your children in the process of creation, then try a cute way to add color into black and white pictures of your pets or family members.

    This image can be printed with a slight touch of a picture processing editor. Adding a nice frame and multi colored pencils,you will enjoy funny family evenings, painting your portraits.

    There is no need to be an experienced photographer to shoot all day long and look for the best image. Each pic can be easily improved, when it becomes a part of memorable picture gift ideas. Like we have mentioned in the beginning of the article, good mood and funny images will be the only ingredients for precious souvenirs. Just choose all possible related snapshots to the topic of the festive day and success is guaranteed.


    IT entrepreneur and co-founder of RetouchMe. His passion is travel photography, within which, he has already visited 75 countries. Photos taken during his travels are actively posted on his social networks. For example, his Instagram account has more than 1 million followers.
    In addition, his documentary short film Terra del Fuego was awarded more than 30 international awards and certificates at film festivals worldwide.

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