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  • 10 Inspiring photographers to follow on instagram

    10 Inspiring photographers to follow on instagram
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    Updated: Aug 20, 2024
    Created: Sep 23, 2021
    Time to read: 10 min

    Photographers are people or professionals who create photos with a camera. A photographer is also a person who stops and captures beautiful moments from life. The job of an Instagram photographer is directly in the process of taking pictures, processing them, and publishing them to Instagram. During the shooting, the Instagram photographer has to choose the right lighting, background, and pose. The main meaning of the photos is given by the photographer's intent.

    Photographers by specialty are studio, reportage, wedding, advertising, fashion, and forensic. Often one specialist can work simultaneously in several genres. Currently, thanks to digital technology photographers in Instagram can transform ready-made pictures with special programs: removing flaws, smoothing out flaws, creating the most incredible subjects, and then share their work on their pages in the social network. In addition to shooting and processing finished photographs, a photographer's job also includes administrative functions of preparing and conducting shoots: choosing a theme, negotiating with customers, obtaining, if necessary, permission for shooting, choosing a shooting location, props, and so on. A photographer's career lies in the development of his skills and fame.

    Famous photographers on Instagram do not just take and exhibit pictures, they live their favorite business. For them, it's not just a job, but a way to change their lives. Hone your photography skills, learn how to do advanced retouching, and understand trends. Learning how to adjust exposure, focus, shutter speed, white balance, and other camera settings are the main tasks of Instagram photographers.

    Among the basic skills, photographers in Instagram should have - an excellent taste, an amazing sense of style, a basic understanding of working with light, knowledge of the rules of composition, the ability to capture objects in motion, knowledge of the basics of photography, photo optics, properties of cameras and lighting equipment, the ability to use them, as well as the ability to use Photoshop and other photo editing software for processing photographs.

    In addition to the above, photographers should understand the psychology and business communication, and of course be patient, because processing photographs is a monotonous and meticulous activity. Ideally, the best photographers on Instagram are of particular importance because the photographer should be engaged in creativity, without being distracted by the work or home routine.

    The work of a photographer is in some sense a direct photo shoot. In common parlance, an Instagram photographer is a person whose tasks include preparing for the shoot, taking photos, further processing, printing, selling, and publishing them.

    Professional photographers on Instagram

    The word "professional" itself says that you belong to a profession. Professional photographers on Instagram post pictures of their work that people are willing to pay for. This imposes several obligations, requirements on photographers, techniques, and the person themselves. Such requirements include experience, skill, responsibility for the quality, and the result of the photoshoot. Almost everyone takes photos today because there is a camera in almost every smartphone. Also, a professional photographer is a person who takes pictures with a camera and earns good money on it.

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    The demand for top photographers on Instagram is growing rapidly, as high-quality photos are in demand for magazines, modeling agencies, media, social networks, advertising, and web resources. According to the level of professionalism of professional photographers, must have special education and experience. Since the photos of professional photographers are always well exposed, highlighted, and processed, look amazing in albums, and collect a lot of likes on social networks, especially popular on Instagram. To do this, photographers prepare for the shoot: choose a theme, location, props, talk to the customer, and if necessary, get permission to shoot.

    During the process of photographing a professional chooses the most appropriate lighting, background, and advises the best pose models. And then he also processes the photos: does color correction, retouches flaws. Even though everyone now carries a smartphone with a camera in his pocket, popular Instagram photographers do not lose vigilance and are still quite in demand. Important events in people's lives are still preferred to trusting professional and famous photographers.

    The most in-demand are, of course, wedding photographers. In addition to weddings are gaining in popularity shooting newborns, photographers are often invited to birthdays, corporate parties and grand, openings. Photographers can also additionally sell their work in stock photography, take pictures of products for online stores, work in the media, model agencies and provide training for beginners. Among the main advantages of working as a photographer are: a prestigious and profitable profession, especially if you have built up your client base or untwisted brand, the work of a photographer is creative, which involves a free work schedule and the absence of the daily grind.

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    Reportage photographers are always in the thick of things, they witness interesting events and attend concerts and exhibitions, premieres, and various events. Wedding photographers work with happy people and capture one of the most important days of their lives. The main disadvantages are: competition, constant work with people to whom it is required to find an approach, to identify the most attractive features and choose the best angles, and also the work of the photographer requires a lot of patience.

    Only the best professional photographers on Instagram can travel a lot, meet new people, visit interesting and exclusive places and events. This work is creative and not related to the office routine. Another plus in the profession of a photographer is that the services of this specialist are quite a in demand, this area of activity is considered prestigious. With a good portfolio, you can work on large and expensive projects.

    Photographers to follow on Instagram

    Photography is an opportunity to stop the moments of life, and sometimes to discover new meaning in the ordinary. Almost everyone can take pictures now, but some do it professionally.

    Among the most popular photographers on Instagram are several - the young and creative photographer Murad Osman, who became famous with his famous project "Follow me" turned into a real star of the social network. Simon Bramante is one of the most famous photographers. Simon loves to travel and impresses his followers with beautiful and atmospheric photos. His work focuses not only on conveying emotion, style, and color but also on realizing projects with a unique narrative.

    Lizzie Gadd, passionate about self-portraits, captures some of the most incredible landscapes on Instagram with the same love. She explores the best natural beauty the world has to offer and shares the best shots with her devoted followers. Theron Humphrey has the most unusual Instagram page, as it is almost entirely devoted to his dog, which he adopted from a shelter and with its help started his project, This Crazy Idea. He travels all over America with his four-legged friend and regularly posts some pretty cute photos.

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    Among the photographers worth following on Instagram, we would like to highlight professional landscape photographer and geographer Kilian Schoenberger. Although he suffers from color blindness, Kilian has developed his artistic style: when taking pictures he focuses not on color shades, but textures and shapes. Schönberger travels a lot, creating incredible images with impeccable composition and no less impeccable color, conveying all the majesty of nature. His Instagram page is filled with mysterious misty and alpine landscapes. Tobias Hagg, also known as Airpixels, is a photographer and videographer who has truly mastered the art of landscape photography using drones.

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    Tobias creates stunning images that are intentionally disorienting, and are often abstract images with some minimalism that showcase the diversity of the world around them. Among the best photographers to follow on Instagram, I would like to highlight American professional photographer Nicholas Scarpinato. Nicholas creates stunning art projects using a fusion of photography and painting. His photos are emotional and surreal. Scarpinato transforms ordinary portraits and landscapes into unparalleled art masterpieces. American photographer Ty Newcomb can turn a landscape into a real fairy tale. Ty Newcomb travels around the world to discover new ways of looking at familiar things. With the help of special graphic tools and photo editors, Ty emphasizes the uniqueness of the landscape the features and nuances of every detail in his landscape photos.

    Newcomb's landscape photography is an artist's revelation, in which he exposes his feelings and worldview, translating his creative fantasies into reality and sharing the result with his subscribers. Daniel Ernst has traveled around the world, exploring the most remote corners of the world to shoot his incredible landscape images. On his Instagram page, he posts breathtakingly beautiful shots of remote corners. His powerful yet muted tones in each of his works are appreciated by users, which brings him a lot of popularity even outside of social media.

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    TOP 10 photographers on Instagram

    Instagram is the most popular social network, especially for photos. Some of the top 10 photographers on instagram are Martina Gebarowska, Michael Scheinblum, Paul Nicklen, Steve McCarry, Murad Osmann, Chris Burkard, Dylan Furst, Elizabeth Gadd, Keown Schrock and Emily Ristewski.

    • Martina Gebarowska is a travel and landscape photographer who likes to combine her work with the wise advice of a seasoned traveler with stunning photographs of incredible landscapes. Martina explores the scenic surroundings, mountains, and forests the world has to offer. Her photographs have a strong and distinctly defined style, colorful and full of mysticism.
    • Michael Scheinblum is not only an accomplished and renowned landscape photographer, but he also creates some of the best time-lapses and hyper lapses one has ever seen. Michael specializes in landscape astrophotography, aerial photography, time-lapses, volcanic eruption,s, and the Milky Way.
    • One of the best Instagram photographers is considered to be Paul Nicklen, one of the most famous professional photographers in the world. Paul specializes in animals in their natural habitat, showing us the beauty that we would never see in everyday life. He is also a biologist by profession and co-founder of SeaLegacy, an organization dedicated to protecting wildlife and the oceans. His work has been published many times in many top publications, as well as receiving prestigious awards for sometimes quite extreme animal shots. He has over 6.6 million followers on Instagram.

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    • Among the Instagram photographers worth following is Steve McCarry, a well-known photojournalist and portrait photographer. He is the author of a truly famous modern art masterpiece - the photo that became the most recognizable cover in more than a century of history of the popular National Geographic magazine called "Afghan Girl." Steve is also known for his exceptional talent for capturing the human soul. His ability to see people and spot their character never ceases to delight subscribers.
    • Creative Dagestan photographer Murad Osmann became famous thanks to a project called #FollowMeTo. Today he is the most popular travel blogger, digital ambassador, producer, and businessman. In the images, you can see his wife, often dressed in beautiful national attire, guiding him through stunning landscapes in various parts of the world.
    • American photographer and artist Chris Burkard specializes in photographs of landscapes, surfing, lifestyle, nature, outdoors, and travel in unusual places. He uses natural light to capture humanizing moments.
    • Dylan Furst is a unique photographer with a passion for travel photography. His photos are captivating at first sight, because they have the author's unique style of processing, which makes them amazingly colorful and vivid. You can see his photos on his Instagram page.

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    • Canadian Elizabeth Gadd is a talented photographer who approaches selfies unconventionally and with skill. She takes photos of herself against landscapes from different parts of the world and publishes them on her Instagram page. Elizabeth is quite demanding when it comes to conveying the mood in pictures. Her favorite manifestations of nature are mists, sunrises, sunsets, light rain, wind.
    • Quin Schrock is a professional travel and lifestyle photographer. He believes that "it's never too late to feel a little more alive" and explains in his blog that as a kid he spent his free time outside surfing, skating, and setting limits on acceptable places to flip. That sense of wonder and freedom he got from nature never faded, and today his distinctive photographic style captures often distant and impenetrable landscapes.

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    • Emily Ristewski is a traveler and photographer from Australia. "The Journey of a Girl in a Hat" is exactly what you might call Emily's series of photographs. She currently has over a million followers on Instagram and has such atmospheric nature shots that it feels like you can "step into" each one.

    Co-founder of RetouchMe. In addition to business, he is passionate about travel photography and videography. His photos can be viewed on Instagram (over 1 million followers), and his films can be found on his YouTube channel.
    Moreover, his profile is featured on the most popular and authoritative resource in the film industry — IMDb. He has received 51 international awards and 18 nominations at film festivals worldwide.

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